How to Check the Battery of Manta Underwater Scooter - Sea Scooter not Working after Full Charged

Feedback issues: Sometimes we receive feedback from customers that the underwater scooter still does not work after the battery is fully charged.
Solution: Please help to check the battery first.
How to check the battery:
Step 1: Prepare a multimeter and set it to the DC voltage.

Step 2: Then use the red and black probes to detect the voltage of the battery pack, and record the data of the multimeter. What is the data?

It is normally if the data is between 5 - 6 DC.
Step 3: Put one mini magnet beside the battery's positive pole.

Step 4: Detect the voltage of the battery pack again, and record the data of the multimeter. What is the data now?
23.46 DC means the battery is turned on.

Step 5: Keep the mini magnet on the battery, then use the charger to charge the battery, what is the LED light on the charger? Red or other?
Green light - there is an issue with the charger.
Red light - The charger is okay.

If the battery is ok, and there are issues with the main controller, please replace the main controller.
Here is the video to show you how to check the battery:
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